Can A Guard Dog Be Neutered? (Read This First!)

  • By: Justin
  • Date: January 16, 2023
  • Time to read: 5 min.

If you’ve ever wondered, “can a guard dog be neutered?”, then this post is for you.

In this article, we’ll answer this question and we’ll also discuss if neutering a dog is safe, how are dogs neutered, how long does it take, does it change the behavior of a dog, and much more.

Let’s jump in..

Can A Guard Dog Be Neutered?

Can Guard Dogs Be Neutered?

The short answer is yes; guard dogs can be neutered. All dogs can be safely neutered around the age of 4-6 months. This depends on their breed, size, health, and if they are in season at the time. Neutering your dog can have positive effects on both its health and behavior.

Health benefits include a reduction in risks of prostate and breast cancers, infections, and risky or false pregnancies.

Neutering your dog can also bring about various positive behavioral changes.

These include reduced aggression, reduced scent marking and straying, and preventing risking safety to look for potential mates.

When female dogs are in season your male dog will be especially distracted by unneutered dogs. Neutering can therefore help with training and focus to aid your dogs’ ability to be a guard dog.

Do Neutered Dogs Still Make Good Guard Dogs?

Yes, neutered dogs can still be guard dogs, police dogs, and entered in competitions. Neutering your dog can provide a range of health and behavioral benefits.

These include preventing the risk of certain cancers, reduction in aggression, and less scent marking.

These health and behavior changes will not negatively impact your canine’s ability to be a guard dog. Therefore neutering can actually help improve focus and training for your dog.

How Are Dogs Neutered?

Animal charity the Blue Cross states that the process of neutering differs between male and female dogs. In male dogs castration involves removing both testicles, taking away testosterone, the source of the male hormone.

For female dogs neutering is called spaying and is a complex surgery. It involves both the ovaries and often the uterus also being removed.

This is so that the female dog is unable to become pregnant.

Are Police Dogs Spayed and Neutered?

The National Police Dog Foundation states that female police dogs are usually always spayed.

This is for a medical benefit such as removing the heat cycles which affects female dog’s training and obedience.

Male dogs are also often neutered for medical and behavioral reasons. Dogs that sniff for drugs are more commonly neutered so that they are not distracted by other smells. This depends on the state and law enforcement agency.

Is Neutering A Dog Safe?

Having your dog neutered by a professional veterinarian is a safe procedure.

Animal charity PDSA claims that neutering is a routine procedure, performed by most vets on a daily basis.

There are many benefits to neutering which affect your dog’s health and behavior.

Your dog will be given an anesthetic during its operation. Ensure you give your dog proper care after their surgery to give them a full and safe recovery.

How Long Does It Take to Neuter A Dog?

This varies by a dog but it takes around five to twenty minutes to neuter a male dog.

This depends on his age and size at the time of neuter. The process is longer for female dogs and is a more complex and internal operation.

It usually takes twenty to ninety minutes or longer. This also depends on age, size, and if she is in heat at the time of neuter.

Which is More Painful Spaying or Neutering?

As spaying is more complex than castration it suggests that neutering is more painful for female dogs.

Yet your dog will not feel pain during the operation as they are given full or general anesthetic.

Your dog will also be given pain relief after the surgery to help them during their recovery.

Your dog can usually come home a few hours after their operation, once the anesthetic wears off.

How Long After Neutering Does Behavior Change in A Dog?

Immediately after the operation your dog may seem lethargic, confused, or act differently.

These behaviors are due to the anesthetic wearing off and the pain they are in. All long-term changes will appear over weeks or months following the operation.

All dogs are different depending on age and breed so this will vary. There are a variety of behavioral changes that you may see in your dog.

What Behaviour Changes Will I See in My Dog?

Charity Dogs Trust claim that neutering dogs can decrease the likelihood of undesirable behaviors.

These include scent marking and risking safety to look for potential mates. These behaviors occur when female dogs are in season – your dog will be distracted by unneutered dogs.

Neutering can help with training as your dog may be less distracted. Your dog is also likely to show and receive less aggression towards other dogs.

What Are the Health Benefits of Neutering A Dog?

There are many health benefits to neutering your dog, as stated by the Blue Cross.

Reducing the risk of cancers such as prostate cancer for male dogs and breast cancer for female dogs.

Spaying your female dog eliminates the risk of infection to the womb, which can be fatal.

It also prevents risky pregnancies and false pregnancies which are common in unneutered dogs and cause medical problems.

What Age Should A Dog Be Spayed or Neutered?

Most dogs, both males, and females can be neutered from 4-6 months old, according to the charity PDSA.

Early neutering can have health benefits for your dog and it is better to neuter early than later.

The right time to neuter should always be discussed with your vet. It depends on your dogs’ breed, size, weight if they are in season and any other medical conditions.

Should A Guard Dog Be Neutered?

How Do I Care for My Dog After They Have Been Neutered?

Give your dog time to rest and recuperate. Check for signs of infection such as redness and swelling and call your vet if you notice anything unusual.

Prevent your dog from licking the wound or chewing its stitches. They may need to wear a cone or belly wrap to prevent this. Distract your dog by giving them attention, playing gently, or going on an easy walk once they are ready.

Final Thoughts – Should A Guard Dog Be Neutered?

Discuss with a vet the option to get your dog neutered. This depends on their age, size, breed, and health.

There are many benefits to getting your dog neutered, both health and behavioral. Neutering your dog can improve focus and training by reducing aggression and undesirable behaviors.

These include scent marking, and risking safety to look for potential mates. Neutering can aid your dog in being a guard dog.

Looking For Watch Dog Guides?

If you’re looking for more guard dogs resources, consider checking out our other post on guard dogs.

Justin- Writer & Chief Editor of


Justin is a protection dog enthusiast. He has years of experience teaching and training dogs. He enjoys sharing what he’s learned. Read More

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