Can a Bobcat Kill A German Shepherd? (Who Wins?)

  • By: Justin
  • Date: April 11, 2023
  • Time to read: 7 min.

The possibility of a bobcat attacking your beloved German Shepherd is a worrisome thought for any dog owner.

Imagine the horror of discovering your precious pet in a life-threatening confrontation with a fierce bobcat, leaving you feeling helpless and desperate.

In this comprehensive post, we’ll answer the question, can a bobcat kill a German Shepherd?

We’ll also explore the size comparison between a bobcat and a German Shepherd, discuss effective ways to protect your canine companion from these stealthy predators and share crucial steps to take if your dog encounters a bobcat.

Read on to gain peace of mind and protect your pet from danger.

Can a Bobcat Kill A German Shepherd?

Can A Bobcat Kill A German Shepherd?

Although it is possible for a bobcat to kill a German Shepherd, it is quite unlikely. A German Shepherd is much larger and has a significant weight advantage over a bobcat. Due to its size and strength, the German Shepherd would likely emerge victorious in a one-on-one fight

However, as a wild animal with sharp claws and teeth, a bobcat could still inflict serious injuries on a German Shepherd.

Wildlife experts suggest that bobcats are more likely to attack cats and dogs weighing under 30 pounds. While free-roaming cats or small dogs left outside unsupervised could be targeted, the chances are relatively low. 

In a 2017 incident in Arizona, a bobcat attacked a German Shepherd, but the owner intervened and saved their pet. The bobcat, which was later confirmed to have rabies, was subsequently shot by police officers.

Key Takeaways:

  • The size and weight advantage of a German Shepherd over a bobcat makes it unlikely for a bobcat to kill a German Shepherd, but a bobcat could still inflict serious injuries.
  • There are ways to protect your German Shepherd from bobcats, such as securing your yard, removing food sources, and supervising outdoor time.
  • If your German Shepherd encounters a bobcat, stay calm, maintain a safe distance, and seek professional help.
  • Signs that a bobcat may pose a threat to your German Shepherd include aggressive behavior, stalking behavior, raised hair, direct eye contact, and unusual vocalizations.
  • Bobcat attacks on German Shepherds are relatively uncommon, but prevention is essential to keep your pet safe.

Bobcat Vs. German Shepherd Size & Strength Comparison 

Below I provided a size comparison between a bobcat and a German Shepherd, highlighting key differences in their physical attributes, habitat, and social behaviors.

AttributeBobcatGerman Shepherd
SizeMedium-sized wild catMedium to large-sized dog
WeightMales: 18-35 lbs, Females: 15-30 lbsMales & Females: 75-95 lbs
HeightMales: 20-50 inches, Females: 20-40 inchesMales: 25 in, Females: 23 in
LengthMales: 32-37 in, Females: 28-32 inLonger than tall, proportion of 10 to 8+1⁄2
CoatShort, dense double coatMedium or long double coat
ColorGrayer in winter, tan in summerVarious colors, except pure white
HabitatDeciduous and mixed hardwood-softwood forestsDomestic environment
Lifespan5- 10 years10-12 years
Activity LevelHighly active, primarily nocturnalActive, requires daily exercise
Social/Attention NeedsSolitary, elusive, seldom observedModerate, requires socialization


Ways To Protect Your German Shepherd From Bobcats

Here are 10 ways to protect your German Shepherd from bobcats:

Secure Your Yard: Install a sturdy fence at least 6 feet tall around your property to prevent a bobcat from jumping over it. 

Fences with a roller or coyote roller system on top can be particularly effective in keeping bobcats out.

Remove Food Sources: Ensure no pet food, garbage, or other potential food sources that may attract bobcats or other wildlife are left outside.

Provide Shelter: Provide a safe and secure shelter for your German Shepherd, such as a dog house or kennel, where it can take refuge if a bobcat approaches.

Supervise Outdoor Time: Watch your German Shepherd outside, especially when bobcats are most active at dawn and dusk.

Leash Your Dog: When walking your German Shepherd in areas where bobcats may be present, keep it on a 6-foot leash to maintain control and prevent it from chasing or approaching a bobcat.

Use deterrents: Install motion-activated lights around your yard to deter bobcats from entering your property.

Remove Hiding Spots: Clear away any brush, debris, or dense vegetation in your yard that could provide cover for a bobcat or other wildlife.

Training: Train your German Shepherd to respond to commands such as “leave it” or “come” so you can call it away from potential danger.

Awareness: Stay informed about bobcat sightings in your area and take extra precautions if you know they are nearby.

Report Bobcat Sightings: If you see a bobcat in your neighborhood or near your home, report it to local wildlife authorities. 

They may provide additional guidance on keeping your German Shepherd and other pets safe from bobcats. (1.)(2.)

What To Do If Your German Shepherd Encounters A Bobcat

If your German Shepherd encounters a bobcat, follow these steps to ensure the safety of both your dog and the bobcat:

Remain Calm: Staying calm is crucial in any potentially dangerous situation. Take a deep breath and assess the situation before taking any action.

Keep Your Distance: Maintain a safe distance between you, your German Shepherd, and the bobcat. Do not approach the bobcat, as this may provoke an attack.

Call Your Dog: If your German Shepherd is off-leash, use a firm, calm voice to call your dog back to you. Do not shout or panic; this may agitate the bobcat and your dog.

Leash Your Dog: Once your German Shepherd is close to you, secure it with a leash to maintain control and prevent it from chasing or confronting the bobcat.

Create A Barrier: Place a physical barrier, such as a car or a tree, between you and the bobcat to reduce the likelihood of an attack.

Make Yourself Look Bigger: Stand tall and raise your arms to appear larger and more intimidating to the bobcat. This may help to deter the bobcat from approaching you or your dog.

Make Noise: To scare the bobcat away, make loud noises, such as shouting or banging on a nearby object. Avoid making high-pitched noises, as the bobcat may perceive these as distress calls.

Slowly Back Away: While facing the bobcat, slowly and carefully back away. Please do not turn your back on the bobcat, which may encourage it to attack.

Avoid Direct Eye Contact: Staring directly into the bobcat’s eyes may be perceived as threatening. Instead, look at the bobcat indirectly or glance at it intermittently.

Seek Professional Help: Once you and your German Shepherd are safe from the bobcat, contact your local wildlife authorities or animal control to report the encounter. 

They may provide additional guidance on handling the situation and preventing future encounters.

By following these steps, you can protect your German Shepherd and ensure your dog’s and the bobcat’s safety.

How To Tell If A Bobcat Is A Threat To Your German Shepherd

There are some signs to look out for to tell if a bobcat is a threat to your German Shepherd. 

Bobcats are generally elusive and will try to avoid contact with humans and larger animals. 

However, if a bobcat feels threatened or cornered, it may attack aggressively. Here are some signs that a bobcat may pose a threat to your German Shepherd:

Aggressive behavior: If the bobcat acts aggressively, such as hissing, growling, or arching its back, it may be preparing to attack.

Stalking behavior: If the bobcat is stalking your German Shepherd, it may be preparing to pounce.

Raised hair: If the fur on the bobcat’s back is submitted, it may be a sign that it feels threatened or agitated.

Direct eye contact: If the bobcat stares directly at your German Shepherd and does not look away, it may be preparing to attack.

Vocalizations: If the bobcat makes loud or unusual vocalizations, it may indicate aggression or distress.

Final Thoughts- Can a Bobcat Overpower a German Shepherd?

In conclusion, while it is possible for a bobcat to attack a German Shepherd, A GSD’s size and weight advantage make it unlikely. 

However, taking precautions to protect your pet, such as securing your yard and supervising outdoor time, is essential. 

If your German Shepherd encounters a bobcat, stay calm, keep a safe distance, and seek professional help. Bobcat attacks on German Shepherds are relatively uncommon. 

However, it is still essential to discourage bobcats from entering your property by removing food sources, using fencing, and sheltering your animals in a well-built coop.


Can a Bobcat Overpower a German Shepherd?

What Dog Can Kill A Bobcat?

Some dogs, like Rottweilers, Dobermans, Boxers, and German Shepherds, may be capable of killing a bobcat. 

However, it is crucial to prioritize your pet’s safety and avoid intentionally putting them in situations with wild animals. Instead, focus on prevention and keeping your dog supervised and secure. (1.)

How Common Are Bobcat Attacks on German Shepherds?

Bobcat attacks on German Shepherds are relatively uncommon, as bobcats usually avoid interactions with larger animals like them. 

Although there have been reported cases of bobcat attacks on dogs, including German Shepherds, there is no precise data on how common they are. (1.)

What Can I Do To Discourage Bobcats from Entering My Property?

  • To discourage bobcats from entering your property, you can:
  • Keep pet food and water inside
  • Use fencing to deter bobcats
  • Trim bushes and trees to remove potential bobcat cover
  • Shelter animals in a well-built coop
  • Use traps, lures, and repellents

Remember that bobcats are not typically a threat to humans; it is best to give them space if encountered (1.)

Justin- Writer & Chief Editor of


Justin is a protection dog enthusiast. He has years of experience teaching and training dogs. He enjoys sharing what he’s learned. Read More

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